Nuestra Escuela de Karate

En Senshikyokai, formamos alumnos en karate do shotokan, promoviendo el desarrollo físico, mental y valores como la lealtad y el respeto.

Sobre Nosotros

Avalados por la Japan Karate Association, enseñamos defensa personal y fomentamos la disciplina, previniendo el bullying y mejorando el carácter de nuestros alumnos.

Karate Do

Escuela profesional de artes marciales enfocada en el karate.

Mejoramiento físico

Fomentamos la disciplina y el respeto en nuestros alumnos.

Defensa personal

Aprende a defenderte en diversas situaciones cotidianas.

La escuela de karate me ha ayudado a mejorar mi disciplina y confianza en mí mismo.

Juan Pérez

Two people are practicing martial arts on a padded floor. They are wearing white uniforms with black belts, indicating a level of proficiency. One person is on top of the other, controlling the movement. The setting appears to be a martial arts studio with a minimalistic interior, including white walls and a dark ceiling. A plant is visible in the background, adding a touch of greenery to the scene.
Two people are practicing martial arts on a padded floor. They are wearing white uniforms with black belts, indicating a level of proficiency. One person is on top of the other, controlling the movement. The setting appears to be a martial arts studio with a minimalistic interior, including white walls and a dark ceiling. A plant is visible in the background, adding a touch of greenery to the scene.
